Regularization vs. Early Stopping: Which is Better for Overfitting Problem?

February 22, 2022


Overfitting is a common problem in machine learning algorithms where the model performs very well on the training data but poorly on the unseen testing data. It often results in a model that is not robust and fails to generalize well. To overcome overfitting, two approaches are commonly used: Regularization and Early Stopping. In this article, we will provide a detailed comparison between Regularization and Early Stopping, focusing on their advantages and disadvantages in preventing overfitting.


Regularization is a technique used to shrink the magnitude of the coefficients or weights of the model parameters towards zero, preventing overfitting. Some commonly used regularization techniques are Ridge Regression, Lasso Regression, and ElasticNet.

Let's take an example of Ridge Regression to understand how regularization works. In Ridge Regression, the sum of the squares of the coefficients is added to the cost function, which helps control overfitting. The regularization parameter, also known as the penalty term, is multiplied to the sum of the squares of the coefficients to control how much the coefficients are shrunk.

In summary, regularization constrains the model by adding a penalty term and keeps the model weights small. This forces the model to capture more general features in the data.

Early Stopping

Early stopping is a technique used to prevent overfitting by stopping the training process when the model is performing well on the validation set. It helps determine the point at which the model is starting to overfit. It helps the model stop training sooner than it would if we waited for it to reach its minimum error on the training set, thereby reducing the chance of overfitting

The training and validation losses are determined during training, and when the validation loss starts to increase, the training process stops, keeping the model from overfitting. Thus, early stopping requires monitoring the loss function of the model during the training process.


Both Regularization and Early Stopping are effective methods to prevent overfitting, but they have different ways of achieving the objective. The comparison between them can be derived from their advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Regularization

  • Regularization is a well-understood technique in Machine Learning, and it is easy to implement.
  • It allows the model to control coefficient magnitudes properly, which can lead to better generalization of the model.
  • It can be used together with other optimization techniques like Stochastic Gradient Descent.

Disadvantages of Regularization

  • The regularization parameter cannot be learned from data, and picking the correct regularization value is a trial-and-error process.
  • Regularization can take more time to train the model since it adds an extra term to the cost function.
  • Using regularization can require a lot of computations.

Advantages of Early Stopping

  • Early stopping is an effective way to prevent overfitting, and it requires no additional hyperparameters.
  • It saves training time when compared to regularized models, as the model stops training much earlier.
  • It can be used together with any optimization techniques like Stochastic Gradient Descent.

Disadvantages of Early Stopping

  • The point at which the model should be stopped is unknown.
  • Early stopping may stop the training phase prematurely and produce models that are not as accurate as they could be.
  • Early stopping can also be computationally expensive if the model needs a lot of training.


Both Regularization and Early Stopping are helpful in preventing overfitting, and it depends on the situation as to which method should be used. If the dataset is small, regularization could be more helpful, while in larger datasets, early stopping could be a better option. In some cases, it might be best to use both techniques together. Therefore, it is essential to try both methods and see which approach works best for your model.


  1. Regularization - Machine Learning
  2. Early Stopping - Machine Learning

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